Fastest 4 laps
The key to increasing your speed by improving your distance per stroke is to ensure that you cover more distance in the same amount of time.
The combination of good DPS, as well as Stroke rate, ensure you move fast and efficiently
SWim-WiSe displays your Fastest 4 Laps you've swum in the swimming session (even if you gained that swimming while swimming in mix styles).
The 3 bars reflect the compression of your current swimming session vs. last 30 days averages vs. your best and Fastest 4 Laps you've gained ever.
Data for specific swimming style
SWim-WiSe let you learn about your swimming style focusing a specific style
While you move to the screen of data upon specific swimming style SWim-WiSe displays your average Fastest 4 Laps gained for a specific swimming style.
That will be displayed only if there four more laps swim at the same swimming style.