SWim-WiSe iPhone App

How is the SWimming score calculated?

Ok, this is our little secret :-) However, we can tell you that our special formula takes the most important factors and most influenced by your swimming technique, speed, and determination. Then we compare all your past swimming sessions data with your new current session. The last step, we sort all by the importance of its achievements - as well upon the new achievement. It's all about Fun and about your SWimming Technique, Speed & determination (perseverance) Whatever you have a new re...

Stoke Rate

Stroke Rate is how long will it take to finish one full stroke cycle with both arms. Faster stroke rate is one of the factors which improves your swim speed. Finding the right balance between stroke length and stroke rate will make you swim faster. Removing dead spots and pauses will improve the movement efficiently Too low a stroke rate and your arms are moving over too slowly and you almost certainly have some big dead spots in your timing. Too high a stroke rate shows your stroke techniq...

Fastest 4 Laps swimming bars

Fastest 4 laps The key to increasing your speed by improving your distance per stroke is to ensure that you cover more distance in the same amount of time. The combination of good DPS, as well as Stroke rate, ensure you move fast and efficiently SWim-WiSe displays your Fastest 4 Laps you've swum in the swimming session (even if you gained that swimming while swimming in mix styles). The 3 bars reflect the compression of your current swimming session vs. last 30 days averages vs. your best an...

DPS - Distance Per Stroke

DPS bars Increasing your Distance Per Stroke (DPS) should be a goal if you would improve your swimming technique. The key to increasing your speed by improving your distance per stroke is to ensure that you cover more distance in the same amount of time. The combination of good DPS, as well as Stroke rate, ensure you move fast and efficiently SWim-WiSe displays your Avg. DPS for a full swimming session that will reflect your average of all swimming styles you've swum at that same session. T...